Welcome to Esolibris - a choice selection of spiritual and esoteric articles ranging from Alternative History to Zen Buddhism. You'll also find a selection of spiritual books, e-books & DVDs covering a wide range of spiritual and esoteric themes.
When was 2012?
Has history been rewritten to cover up a catastrophic disaster in the last 600 to 900 years? Joe Romanski looks at the evidence. |
Transcendental Meditation
An overview of Transcendental Meditation (TM) and its relationship to the Hindu tradition of meditative practice by Octavian Sarbatoare. |
Do You Need Psychic Protection?
John Fitzsimons looks at various ways to protect oneself from discordant energies and/or people. |
Sailing the Seven Seas of Life
An Essay from the book, The Joys of Live Alchemy by Michael Levy. |
Some Thoughts About Water & the World
A look at the work of Dr. Masaru Emoto who has carried out research into the vibration inherent in water and how it affects humans and the environment. |
What Color is Your Aura?
Sachin Anchan looks at auras, aura photography, the meaning of aura colors and how to see auras. |
The Real KGB UFO Files
An interview with the former Deputy Commander of the KGB Nikolay Alekseyevich Sham. |
The Inspired Heart - An Artist's Journey of Transformation
by Jerry Wennstrom
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In this book, Jerry Wennstrom tells the extraordinary story of his daring exploration into the source of his creativity.
In the late 1970s, Wennstrom was a rising star in the New York art world when he realized that he was too attached to his identity as an artist, and set out to discover the rock-bottom truth of his life.
He destroyed his large body of art, gave away all of his possessions, and spent the next 10 years living in the moment, on basically nothing, surrendered to unconditional trust and the creative inspiration of his heart.
O Lanoo! - The Secret Doctrine Unveiled
by Harvey Tordoff, Nina O'Connell (Illustrator)
O Lanoo! reveals the essence of Blavatsky's seminal work The Secret Doctrine, finally making this vast and complex work fully accessible for all spiritual seekers.
"This is a remarkable work that will make the difficult but profound and extremely relevant cosmology of The Secret Doctrine accessible to many, many people at a time when it is desperately needed." -- Robert Ellwood
The Noble Eightfold Path: The Way to the End of Suffering
by Bhikkhu Bodhi
The Noble Eightfold Path aims at contributing towards a proper understanding of the Noble Eightfold Path by investigating its eight factors and their components to determine exactly what they involve. |
From Chaos to Harmony: The Solution to the Global Crisis According to the Wisdom of Kabbalah
by Rav Michael Laitman, PhD
Michael Laitman's new book not only demonstrates with examples from science and Kabbalah that the ego stands behind all human suffering, but also shows how we can use it to our benefit.
With clear analyses of the human soul and its problems, the book provides a 'roadmap' indicating how we can achieve a new level of existence and fulfillment. |
The Flying Saucers Are Real
by Donald Keyhoe
The 1950's classic which inspired many people to take up the UFO cause and established the core elements of UFO mythology. |