The Nature of Reality
A growing selection of hand-picked DVD's exploring the Nature of Reality and Consciousness, with links to for more details...
Conscious Acts of Creation
Dr. William Tiller
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Features Dr. William Tiller, one of the "legitimate" scientists from "What the Bleep Do We Know!"
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In depth exploration of consciousness featuring many of the biggest names in the field. 5 disc box set.
Ram Dass: Fierce Grace
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Not a teaching video, but an inspirational update on the later years of Ram Dass' life.
Beyond the Mind's Eye
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The best of the Odyssey Series.
Nonlocality And The Observer, A New Model For Your World
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Is the physical universe sustained by nothing more than consensus of opinion?
Maybe Logic - The Lives and Ideas of Robert Anton Wilson
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Quantum Physics, Reality Tunnels, Synchronicity...
Transpersonal Psychology scientifically studies Human consciousness and the spiritual aspects of existence; the psychological equivalent of Chaos Theory in mathematics.
Transpersonal Conversations: 6-DVD Special Edition Set
A collection of cinema-quality documentary interviews with the founders and leaders of Transpersonal Psychology.
Stanislav Grof, M. D., Ph. D. (Transpersonal Conversations)
Stanislav Grof was one of the original founders of consciousness research and the field of transpersonal psychology. Dr. Grof covers, in detail, a myriad of tough subjects, including: Near-death experiences, non-ordinary states of consciousness, shamanism, the public's view of parapsychology, and much more.
Charles T. Tart, Ph. D. (Transpersonal Conversations)
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Dr Tart discusses his work with “altered-states-of-consciousness,” meditation, "Scientism" and the Western scientific paradigm, experimenter bias and more. Dr. Charles T. Tart has been one of the major theorists in the fields of parapsychology and transpersonal psychology since the publication of the now-classic text: 'Altered states of consciousness' in 1969.
Ralph Metzner, Ph. D. (Transpersonal Conversations)
Dr. Metzner explores such controversial topics as: The "conspiracies of modern science," magic mushrooms, alchemical divination practices, modern shamanic rituals and more. Ralph Metzner, Ph. D. is a practicing psychotherapist and shamanic healer as well as one of the classic figures in the history of modern consciousness research. As a pioneer of consciousness studies he co-wrote 'Psychedelic Experience' (with Dr. Timothy Leary and Dr. Richard Alpert, AKA: Ram Dass.)
Frances Vaughan, Ph. D. (Transpersonal Conversations)
Author of the classic: 'The Inward Arc: Healing and Wholeness in Psychotherapy and Spirituality'. Here he discusses healing and intuition.
James Fadiman, Ph. D. (Transpersonal Conversations)
James Fadiman is the founder of The Institute of Transpersonal Psychology. Here he discusses psychedelic research, Abraham Maslow, Ram Dass, Eastern philosophy, etc.